This is an example of developing a single-knob application under RAPID(C), swaptions. Checkout the benchmark suite PARSEC for details.
A single knob controls the number of iterations of the Monte-Carlo simulation for each swaption.
The first step is to setup a RAPID(C) manager instance that is aware of all configurable knobs and the corresponding action to take once a specific value of that knob is determined.
//setup an instance
rsdgMission *swapMission = new rsdgMission();
After the manager instance is created. We need to inform the manager about what action to take if a specific value of that knob is determined.
// create a parameter holder to place the result
rsdgPara *swapPara = new rsdgPara();
// create an action
void *swapAction(void* arg){
int simNum = swapPara -> intPara;
numOfSwitch = simNum; // numOfSwitch is the var to be used to control the number of itrs
Then, we can let the manager know that this particular action has to be taken according to the value of the parameter.
* Register a continuous service(knob)
* swapNum: knob's name
* num: node's name
swaptionMission -> regContService("swapNum", "num", &swapAction, swapPara);
Now, once RAPID(C) determines the setting for knob swapNum, swapPara will be set to the correct value. Then swapAction will be executed.
One of the key component of RAPID(C) is to generate the internal data structure, RSDG, that represents the program structure. The details of RSDG can be found here.
The metadata needed for generating the RSDG is in the form of a XML.
Below is a fraction of the XML code:
In this small code fragment, the node name, along with the coefficient for generating the cost and quality functions are included. Refer to RAPID(C)-RSDG-generation for details on how to generate this automatically.
Suppose that XML_PATH is the path to the XML file and the following instruction let RAPID(C) will read in this XML and generate the internal structure.
swapMission -> generateProb(XML_PATH);
After the internal structure is constructed, now is the time to configure the mission.
swapMission -> setSolver(rsdgMission::GUROBI, rsdgMission::LOCAL);
swapMission -> setUnitBetweenCheckpoints(UNIT_PER_CHECK);
swapMission -> setBudget(totSec*1000);
swapMission -> setUnit(nSwaptions);
The default solver in RAPID(C) is Gurobi, and the alternative is LpSolve. The solver can be executed locally or remotely. Please only use rsdgMission::REMOTE if the solver cannot be installed on the machine.
UNIT_PER_CHECK indicates how often does RAPID(C) check the usage and re-configure. It is supposed to be used together with setUnit() where it says how many units have to be done for the mission.
setBudget() sets the budget (in milliseconds) to execute the mission.
Developers also need to tell RAPID(C) when it finishes a work-unit.
By default, if an application needs to be done within a time constriant, the timer starts once the rsdgMission is setup.
Developers can also manually reset the timer. e.g, when the first phase of application is to perform a heavy preparation like I/O or environment setup.
Now, as the normal execution of the application runs, RAPID(C) manager will constantly monitor the resource (time) usage and re-configure the program behavior to satisfy the budget constraint.